breaking news gif

rose leaf, brina, winter @ Pixabay

This news announcement is not meant to be as serious as it might look.

In the new trailer, we see a massive, ominous image of some kind of giant, black cloud hovering over the ground. As we watch the video, the cloud moves in and out of view, but we can hear it breathing and growling.

Sounds like a giant octopus, but it could also be a giant squid. We just can’t get away from the giant octopus image in this one, so it’s all we can focus on.

It sure is.

It’s not all that clear yet exactly what this giant octopus might be, but we do know that it’s a giant squid, the type of octopus that has a giant mouth and a face and two tentacles. The tentacles can be used to pull people into the mouth as well as to stab and kill people. The tentacles are pretty scary, because they can grow into thick, multi-coloured ropes that are nearly impossible to see.

It’s a shame that we can’t just ignore this giant octopus image. After all, it’s probably just an idiotic attempt to scare us into watching the rest of the trailer. Still, it’s also a shame that the giant octopus is the only thing that isn’t a massive octopus – a gigantic squid could have been used instead, or even a giant squid that was shrunk down enough to fit inside the octopus’s mouth.

The other problem with the giant octopus is that we can’t see its tentacles because its too thick. If we could use its tentacles like a normal octopus, we could probably see all of its tentacles. If the squid was shrunk, its tentacles would be even more thin, because a squid’s tentacles are usually 2-3 times thicker than its body.

I’m not sure if this is actually a problem, but I wonder if using a squid as a giant octopus might be too much trouble, because they’re only really big in the wild. This, however, is my own personal opinion.

I love squid, and have a huge collection of them in my freezer. I think I can handle a squid, and maybe even a squid-like octopus, provided that I can handle them well. I think I also know what I know, because I’ve killed a squid before.

Okay, so what do we do now? We can’t get our hands on a squid like we want to, or maybe we can, but what if we manage to grab them and kill them? I can imagine a squid-like octopus being a pretty scary monster, so we have to be extra careful. Also, we can use our tentacles to help us, but we would have to be careful not to use them on any nearby objects in the water, like any other tentacles.

I am the type of person who will organize my entire home (including closets) based on what I need for vacation. Making sure that all vital supplies are in one place, even if it means putting them into a carry-on and checking out early from work so as not to miss any flights!


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