yahoo afghanistan news

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The news is all stories and rumors. Sometimes, it was good, sometimes, it was bad. I could have made a list of all the topics I was sure I was going to see; but that would have been boring. What I’m going to do is make a list of everything that I saw and heard on the news. This list is going to be the most entertaining of all, because it is a mix of stories, rumors, and things that were just a random occurrence.

In the past few years, the focus of the news cycle has been on terrorism, the war in Afghanistan, and the war in Iraq. To me, it’s as if we started hearing stories about terrorism the day after 9/11. To me, that seemed so crazy to me that I assumed it was just a coincidence. I’m not sure if that was the case.

Unfortunately it was not a coincidence. The biggest terrorist attacks on American soil have taken place in the last few years. I would not have been surprised to see any of the top stories about them in the morning news. However, the most recent story about the Taliban in Afghanistan was something that we have all been hearing of for a while. They are now reportedly launching an assassination campaign to target the American soldiers they are fighting for and are even threatening to attack our soldiers.

It’s a new day, and the Taliban is targeting American soldiers on US soil. In fact, the Taliban has said that they will attack the Afghan army in the coming days. The Taliban’s claim is that it is the American soldiers they’re trying to eliminate, but that’s probably just their PR talking point. These Taliban terrorists have a lot of money and power.

As you might have heard, American troops have been working very hard to rid Afghanistan of the Taliban, but the Taliban has been holding them hostage. The Taliban is currently threatening to attack American soldiers on US soil.

If you look at the Taliban’s latest official statement, it states: “We have been working very hard to stop the Taliban from coming to our country, so we are not doing what they want us to do, but we are working harder to stop them from coming.” So, if you want to be free of the Taliban, let’s do the same thing in your country.

In this day and age of so many news stories, it’s almost impossible to tell where the story is going to end. But with our new story trailer, we can see where the end is coming. The Taliban continues to target US troops in their own country, while the new trailer shows how the US is trying to deal with the situation. As one US soldier says, “This is about the US, not us.

I’m not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing. If it’s good then, the Taliban will have to be stopped. But if it’s bad then the US will be less likely to talk to them. In fact, I wonder if the American government would be more likely to bomb them. That’s not a bad thing either if you ask me.

As a result of these recent attacks, the US has been trying to get the Taliban to back off of Afghanistan as much as possible. One of the ways they are doing this is by sending some of their new recruits into the region to help them deal with these attacks. Since these recruits are often from the local populace, they are able to learn more about these attacks and how to deal with them.

The problem with this whole thing is the fact that the Afghan government (and the Taliban for that matter) are pretty much the same people. So if the US is able to convince the Taliban to get off the pot, why would they then bomb them? It’s not like they aren’t already doing that, they’re just trying to get a few more recruits.

I am the type of person who will organize my entire home (including closets) based on what I need for vacation. Making sure that all vital supplies are in one place, even if it means putting them into a carry-on and checking out early from work so as not to miss any flights!


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