Managing Ownership in Microsoft Teams: Can There Be Only One Owner?


Microsoft Teams has become an indispensable tool for collaboration and communication within organizations, allowing teams to work together effectively regardless of their physical location. One important aspect of Microsoft Teams is the concept of ownership, which plays a crucial role in managing teams and channels effectively. Team ownership determines who has the authority to manage settings, add or remove members, and make critical decisions within a team or channel.

In Microsoft Teams, each team can have one or more owners who have full control and access to manage the team and its settings. While there can be multiple owners in a team, it is important to understand the implications of having multiple owners and how to effectively manage ownership in Microsoft Teams.

Understanding Team Ownership in Microsoft Teams

What is a Team Owner?

  • In Microsoft Teams, a team owner is an individual who has full control over the team and its settings. Team owners have the authority to manage team membership, settings, channels, and apps.
  • Team owners can add or remove members, change team settings, manage channels, and make crucial decisions related to the team’s configuration and permissions.

Can There Be Multiple Owners in a Team?

  • Yes, Microsoft Teams allows for multiple owners in a team. Having multiple owners can help distribute the responsibility of managing the team and prevent a single point of failure.
  • Multiple owners can work together to ensure that the team runs smoothly, members are added or removed in a timely manner, and settings are configured appropriately.

Responsibilities of Team Owners

  • Adding and Removing Members: Team owners can add new members to the team and remove existing ones. This helps control access to team resources and ensures that only relevant members are part of the team.
  • Managing Settings: Team owners can configure various settings for the team, including privacy settings, member permissions, and guest access. They can customize the team according to the specific needs of the members.
  • Creating and Managing Channels: Team owners can create new channels within the team, organize content, and ensure that discussions are focused and productive.
  • Approving Apps: Team owners can approve or install apps within the team to enhance collaboration and productivity. They can also manage app permissions and integrations.

Best Practices for Managing Ownership in Microsoft Teams

Assigning Ownership

  • When setting up a new team, it is essential to assign multiple owners to share the responsibility of managing the team effectively.
  • Choose team owners who are reliable, communicative, and have a good understanding of the team’s goals and objectives.

Establishing Clear Roles and Responsibilities

  • Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each owner to avoid confusion and ensure smooth coordination.
  • Document ownership guidelines and share them with all team members to provide clarity on who to contact for specific issues.

Regular Communication and Collaboration

  • Encourage team owners to communicate regularly, collaborate on decision-making, and address any issues that may arise promptly.
  • Conduct regular meetings or check-ins to discuss team progress, challenges, and upcoming tasks.

Training and Support

  • Provide training and resources to team owners to help them effectively manage the team and utilize the features of Microsoft Teams.
  • Offer ongoing support and guidance to address any questions or concerns that team owners may have.

Reviewing Ownership Structure

  • Periodically review the ownership structure of teams to ensure it aligns with the current team dynamics and requirements.
  • Make adjustments to ownership roles as needed to accommodate changes in team membership or objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can a Team Owner Remove Another Owner?

  • Yes, a team owner can remove another owner from the team. This action helps maintain control over the team’s ownership structure and responsibilities.

2. What Happens if All Owners Leave a Team?

  • If all owners leave a team, Microsoft Teams will automatically assign ownership to the team member who joined first. This ensures that there is always at least one owner for every team.

3. Can Team Owners Delegate Their Responsibilities?

  • Yes, team owners can delegate specific responsibilities to other members of the team, such as managing channels, approving apps, or adding new members. This helps distribute tasks and promote collaboration.

4. How Can I Identify Team Owners in Microsoft Teams?

  • In Microsoft Teams, team owners are indicated by a crown icon next to their name in the team roster. This visual cue helps members identify who the owners are.

5. Can Team Owners Limit Permissions for Other Owners?

  • No, team owners have equal permissions and control over the team settings. While they can collaborate and communicate on managing the team, they have the same level of authority within Microsoft Teams.


Effective ownership management is crucial for the success of teams in Microsoft Teams. By assigning multiple team owners, establishing clear roles and responsibilities, promoting communication and collaboration, providing training and support, and regularly reviewing the ownership structure, organizations can ensure that teams operate smoothly and achieve their goals efficiently. Understanding the nuances of ownership in Microsoft Teams and implementing best practices can contribute to a productive and cohesive team environment.


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