love is not tourism


I know this isn’t a common topic, but it is nevertheless a subject that many people are still trying to figure out. I am not here to provide answers or theories, but rather to give you a glimpse into my own life as I learn more about myself.

I have to tell you this. I have a habit of not doing things that make me feel good, even when I know they will. I like to take pictures, listen to music, and do something that I enjoy. I also like to get out of bed to go to the library and do whatever the day has in store for me. I would not even know how to be happy if not for people I love.

Do you have a favorite quote? I have so many of them. I don’t even know what to say anymore, so I’ll just leave you with this.

I am going to be blunt. If you are a fan of this kind of list, you should probably just stop reading now. I cannot tell you how many times I have said to my friends that I have a list of things I want to do, but can’t. I just don’t know how to make myself feel good. This is hard for me, as I don’t think that I am a bad person.

For a moment I thought I was a good person but I didn’t. I’m not sure I really deserve to be a good person, but there is no one I truly value more than any of you. I think it’s time to stop and think about it.

You might think I say this a lot, but I don’t mean it in a bad way. I mean it as a sincere compliment.

This isnt your first time reading my thoughts on a topic you haven’t had a chance to talk to me about before. It is so clear that I really want to talk to you.

I love you. I hope that you understand that because Im not a bad person, but I also want to say that I am not a tourist. I dont give a fuck if you come to my house, we can play golf, we can have fun, and we can even kill each other. I dont really care. This is my life, and this is what I get to do.

This is how I feel every time I see you. So this is what my life has become. One day I will see you again. Then I will tell you that you have to go, and we will never see each other ever again. But I am not a bad person and I am not a tourist. I am not a tourist and this is what I get to do.

This type of behavior is the opposite of what you would call “tourism.” The act of tourism is the act of coming to a place to see if that place is worth visiting, even if you’re not the one being visited. But the act of tourism is more than just coming to a place and seeing if it’s worth your time. It involves you interacting with locals and other tourists in a certain way that demonstrates a sense of attachment and love.

I am the type of person who will organize my entire home (including closets) based on what I need for vacation. Making sure that all vital supplies are in one place, even if it means putting them into a carry-on and checking out early from work so as not to miss any flights!


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