portland oregon wedding venue

portland head light, lighthouse, light station @ Pixabay

My wedding venue isn’t very fancy, which is fine. My dad and I had a great time there and it was a pretty simple ceremony. We also bought the reception space for our wedding that night, which was a lot of fun.

My dad and I are both former cops, so I know that cops and criminals are pretty much polar opposites, but we also have a lot of mutual respect. For instance, he once said something about how I was a bad cop, which just pisses me off because I know that he said it and I’m pretty sure the cops believe it.

The good thing about the venue was that we had a lot of room to decorate and make things personal. My dad kept his own place very simple and focused on traditional wedding traditions like getting married in a church and being married in a tent, which I’m sure you know. The venue was fun, the food was great, and the whole experience was very simple and casual.

I’m still not sure why they chose this venue. We went down for a quick ceremony (which we did in a tent) but we decided to walk the half-mile to our venue since that seemed like a lot of walking. We went through the mall and it was nice and pretty, but I think the fact that it was a wedding venue was more of a statement about how we felt about the city.

The city of Portland is a very small city, and there are only a small number of hotels and venues that cater to couples. So we decided to use the one that didn’t require us to walk through parts of downtown. We really liked the venue though, and had a great time in the ceremony and reception.

Overall, the wedding venue was very nice. It was clean and spacious, and the staff were nice and helpful.

We were a little disappointed that in the wedding, we had to buy a couple of things. We did, however, love the venue. Although the wedding itself was beautiful, the venue was great.

We were so impressed with the venue that we even booked the service again for our wedding. The staff were very nice and helpful, and we were especially impressed with the staff that came with the wedding. They were very friendly and helpful, and the venue itself was beautiful.

We were happy to find the venue was not a bad deal. It was just small, but the staff were very pleasant and helpful, and they even gave us a free upgrade to the other place we had been looking at. We did find the venue small, and we would have liked to have had more space, but these weren’t any big problems.

For all of the above, we were very happy with the venue, and the staff.


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