
forest, trees, autumn @ Pixabay

I really like this quote from the book, The Five Levels of Happyness by George Leonard. It describes how we can have our highest level of happiness, even at the expense of our health, our families, our friends, our relationships, our work, and our finances.

I can’t help but chuckle at the last part. My husband is a partner at a law firm (he’s a very good lawyer too, he just has a different way of doing things) and he works hard. He’s smart, he’s funny, he’s a nice person to be around, and he’s a great husband. But he’s also really good at his job. He works very hard and does very well at his job, but he’s not very happy about it.

As they say, happiness is relative to your perspective.

The good news is that there are no good and no bad things in life. The bad news is that most people care about the good and the bad, and you have to have a good quality of life.

Happiness is about how you feel and how you act. You can only get to be happy if you can act and feel good.

The key to happiness is to be happy with who you are, and to act and feel well. Happiness is about how you look, what you think, and how you feel.

I’m not going to tell you that you should be happy with where you stand in life. You should be happy with what you do. You should be happy with who you are. You should be happy with who you have. You should be happy with what you have. You should be happy with who you have. You should be happy with what you have. You should be happy with what you have. You should get the good stuff.

The good stuff is what’s already out there, but what we often overlook is the stuff we don’t deserve. We can ignore the good stuff because we’re afraid we don’t deserve it. As a result we never really get to feel the good stuff. That’s why being happy with your life is more important than being happy with who you are.

You should only have four things, but you should have many. You should only have three things but you should have many. You should only have two things but you should have many. You should only have one thing but you should have many. You should only have two things and you should have many.

The four things are: food, space, family, and friends. The three things are: freedom, food, and friends. The two things are: space and family. The one thing is: freedom.

I am the type of person who will organize my entire home (including closets) based on what I need for vacation. Making sure that all vital supplies are in one place, even if it means putting them into a carry-on and checking out early from work so as not to miss any flights!


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