abbreviation for china


The Chinese language has several names for itself. One of them is china, which is used to refer to the land of china. The second is china, which is used to refer to the nation of China. The third is china, which is used to refer to the nation of China and the people of China.

The Chinese language was originally influenced by the Chinese language of the Han Dynasty, which was in existence from around 200 BCE to 220 CE. It was the first language in the world to have written scripts, which were used to write characters, which were the basic symbols that were used to represent words.

Chinese is the official language of China, being also one of the most powerful languages in the world. The use of Chinese characters, as well as the use of the Chinese characters to write Chinese, has been greatly influenced by the European language of the Han Dynasty. The Chinese characters have been used to write Chinese words since the 12th century, which is when they were first used to write Chinese. The use of Chinese characters in English has been common since the early 19th century.

The Chinese characters are actually the basic form of writing and the characters are written using one of three glyphs: ideograms, romanized characters, and Chinese characters. The ideogram is a single-character, or set of characters, written with a single stroke of the pen. The ideogram can be used in all written forms of Chinese, as well as in spoken Chinese.

The ideogram is the simplest form of writing. Its meaning is usually clear from the context of the word. For example, the ideogram for “thirty-two” is “two”. The ideogram for “two hundred” is “two hundred”. There are numerous meanings for the ideogram that can be found in dictionaries.

This is a relatively new idea in Chinese, but in the last few years it has been expanded to include the ideogram for a number. One of these is the same as “china,” but the words are usually written in different ways.

The name is used to refer to something. For example, the name of the city of Shanghai is “Chinese city.

The name of a temple is used to refer to a temple. For example, the name of the temple of Chuanyang is Chuanyang Temple.

The name of the city of Shanghai is Shanghai, China. The name of a temple is a temple. The name of a city is a city. The name of a temple is a temple.

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