springfield news-sun obituary

ornament, christmas, christmas ball @ Pixabay

My name is Richard J. Vargo, and I’ll be remembered for those who knew me for over 30 years. I will be remembered for my love of the great outdoors, especially for the sun. I will be remembered for my compassion for the poor and my compassion for life itself. I will be remembered for my love for people and for the way I lived my life.

If you think your name is Richard J. Vargo, you could be a person who’s been living a very long and very fruitful life. I am going to be remembered for the way I lived for over 30 years. My accomplishments and the life I lived all came to me from the power of the sun.

The sun itself is a beautiful, powerful, and mysterious planet that looks like a giant comet, or a giant sun, sometimes called a comet, sometimes called a comet-like star. The planet is also known as “the sun”, meaning that when the sun is set, it is called the sun’s name. The sun’s name is the same in all circles and for all circles. If you’re in a circle, a sun is called a sun.

The sun is a pretty amazing planet. For starters, it is the largest in the solar system, and it is the most massive of the planets. It is also the most powerful, and it has the most powerful gravity of any planet in the solar system. When the suns gravity pulls on you, you feel as if you are floating, like a feather or a ball of yarn.

The fact is, there is no way to measure the size of the sun. The suns gravity pulls on the planet, and then the planet pulls on the sun, and the suns gravity pulls on the planet. The suns gravity is the strongest of all the forces in the solar system. In fact, the suns gravity is so strong, it has been called the “strongest force” in the universe.

But what about the Earth? The suns gravity does some pretty weird things, like pulling the Earth’s water into a pond. But the Earth’s gravity is much weaker. The Earth is a ball of water. So the suns gravity is only pulling on the Earth, not the Earth itself. Gravity is an all-or-nothing thing.

The most powerful thing in the universe is the gravity of Earths water. It’s a weird, impossible thing to imagine.So, the gravity of Earths water is very weak. In fact, the gravity of Earths water is really much weaker. In fact, gravity is really weak. In fact, the gravity of Earths water is actually very strong. So the gravity of Earths water is very weak.

The Earth is pretty much flat. Why? Because the sun is spinning around constantly, which makes it impossible to move the sun around.

The Earth is pretty flat. Why the heck is that?The Earth is pretty much flat. Why is that?The Earth is pretty much flat. Why is that?The Earth is pretty much flat. Why is that?The Earth is pretty much flat. Why is that?The Earth is pretty much flat. Why is that?The Earth is pretty much flat. Why is that?The Earth is pretty much flat. Why is that?The Earth is pretty much flat.

Well, at least in the US (and this is true of most other places), we don’t have the habit of dying every time we die. At least, not with the same frequency as people who are around us all the time. So the fact that we die when we die gives us a bit of a chance to make sure we’re not getting ourselves killed. You know, to make sure we’re not getting ourselves killed.

I am the type of person who will organize my entire home (including closets) based on what I need for vacation. Making sure that all vital supplies are in one place, even if it means putting them into a carry-on and checking out early from work so as not to miss any flights!


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