Diet And Nutrition Chapter 15 Flashcards


Amenorrhea is the irregular absence of menstruation. Russell’s signal is a callus on the knuckles from self-induced vomiting. Carotenemia is elevated carotene levels within the blood leading to pores and skin with yellow pallor.

Which of these evaluation findings means that bulimia nervosa could be a health problem? Joanne’s parotid glands appears enlarged. Joanne’s tooth have a “moth eaten” pattern dignity health commercial song of tooth decay. Joanne reports that she takes laxatives every day. Joanne’s weight is inside the anticipated range.

“You might as well depart if you are not going to follow your therapy regimen.” d. “You don’t should eat when you do not want to. It is your selection.” Referenced in literature as a sort of physique dysmorphia, that means that they view themselves as chubby although they do not seem to be. A two-week interval of a depressed mood or a noticeable lower in interest or pleasure in usual activities, together with different signs of a mood dysfunction.

Binge eaters also report a historical past of major melancholy considerably extra typically than non-binge eaters. They additional report that binge consuming is soothing and helps to regulate their moods. Binge eaters rarely accomplish that for consideration, to cease auditory hallucinations, or to enhance sleep. A apply of eating meals all day long regardless of whether you’re hungry or not. This is common in some individuals with bingeeating dysfunction. Almost half of those with extreme binge consuming dysfunction exhibit scientific ________ signs and ______ themselves from others.

Tooth decay, swelling of salivary glands & stomach ulcers. The time period ______ implies a lack of appetite. The term _______ refers to disgust with one’s physique.