voa news amharic


It is a little known fact in the world of news. That is, if you know the truth, you will never get fired or arrested.

That’s right. No one ever gets fired, no one ever gets arrested, and when you get fired you are not allowed to sue the company that fired you because of things that you may have done. You cannot sue for a wrongful termination because the law doesn’t apply to you. There is no legal reason you can’t sue for assault because you are not allowed to sue for battery because that’s a civil law. You cannot sue for defamation because that is a state law.

I know people are confused about this, but they should be. Assault is a crime. Battery is a civil law. Assault is not a crime because it is a misdemeanor, and battery is a felony. Assault is a crime because its assault. Battery on the other hand is a civil law because its a misdemeanor. The law doesnt apply to you. Its still a crime if you are a criminal though.

Thats because if you are a criminal and you assault someone you are still not allowed to be in possession of a firearm, nor can you open carry in that state. You have to be a full-fledged felon and have been convicted of a certain crime.

In the criminal world, assault is a misdemeanor, battery is a felony. In the civil world, assault is a misdemeanor, battery is a felony. The law doesnt apply to you. Its still a crime if you are a criminal though.

If it wasnt for the fact that I was a convicted felon, I would never have had a gun in my hand. I am happy to be clear on that.

It is rare, but some states have passed laws that allow you to carry a concealed weapon as long as you have a license to carry. In the civil world, it is your right to carry in that state, but it is still a felony to carry it in the “criminal world.” In the criminal world, it is still a felon to possess a gun.

The “law” is that you must have a license to carry a gun in order to be legally permitted to carry it in the criminal world. That is a very nice line of reasoning.

That’s a very nice line of reasoning. But, as it turns out, there is a problem with that. A few weeks ago a gun-rights group called the National Assn. of State Riflemen asked the Attorney General to do a little review of the laws regarding gun carry in the United States. The NRA said that they have been hearing from people who are legally able to carry a gun for years now and that it has become too difficult to get licenses to do so.

I am the type of person who will organize my entire home (including closets) based on what I need for vacation. Making sure that all vital supplies are in one place, even if it means putting them into a carry-on and checking out early from work so as not to miss any flights!


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